How to Drink Chambord: Two Ways


I first discovered Chambord less than a year ago. I had no idea what it was at first, and I didn’t know how to drink it. It’s actually a black raspberry liqueur, and although it’s owned by the same company as Jack Daniel’s it was apparently created in France and inspired by King Louis XIV.

For a long time, I thought that liqueur was just this strange spirit in old bottles that my parents got as gifts but never used. Then I tried Chambord, after a friend recommended having it with coke. To be honest, it kind of just tasted like Cherry Coke, but it showed me how easy it really is to drink Chambord liqueur. Now, whenever I have a cocktail menu in my hands, I look out for this liqueur and I’ve come to realise that it’s often used with gin in some of my favourite concoctions. I bought my first Chambord bottle recently (distinctive with its round shape and golden cap) and started experimenting myself.

chambord and lemonade
An alternative to Pimm’s

We all love Pimm’s; it’s light, fruity, refreshing, and synonymous with summer and good times – but sometimes it’s good to change it up, right? This cocktail is so easy to make and I’m sure that anyone who enjoys Pimm’s will like it. You can adjust the ingredients to make it sweeter, stronger, or lighter – I’m not going to tell you what to do! I even add some water to the mix because I find lemonade to be a little too sweet.

All you need is:

  • A bit of Chambord
  • A bit of gin (keep it in the freezer!)
  • Some sparkling lemonade
  • Ice cubes and raspberries to garnish (optional)

how to drink chambord and champagne


Better than champagne

Don’t get me wrong – I love champagne! It reminds me of all the best celebrations with friends and family. Believe me though, Chambord can make it better! It makes champagne a tiny bit sweeter, with a subtle taste of raspberry. For this one, I recommend adding a raspberry to each glass – your guests (and instagram followers) will love it. Serve with white chocolate coated strawberries and call it a Chambord Royale if you’re feeling really fancy.

All you need is:

  • Champagne/prosecco/cava (I’m not fussy!)
  • A bit of Chambord (I used the cap to measure the perfect quantity per glass)
  • Raspberries to decorate


Do you ever drink liqueur?

Have you tried Chambord?


  • Fii Cridland
    August 15, 2015

    I LOVE the Chambord adverts and I’ve always wondered what Chambord even was, so now I’m gonna find some for myself and start experimenting 😀 Probably going to start with that Pimms alternative 😀

    Fii | little miss fii

    • City Cookie
      August 16, 2015

      YES! I love everything they’re doing on social media as well, so creative! Let me know how it goes 🙂 x

  • Prettygreentea
    August 16, 2015

    I’ve been keen to try this for a while and now you’ve given me a good excuse.

    • City Cookie
      August 16, 2015

      Fantastic! Let me know what you think of it. x

  • Martha Jane
    August 16, 2015

    The photography in this post is gorgeous! I’ve never tried Chambord, but you’ve sold it to me! You have a beautiful blog 🙂

    Martha Jane |

  • Aisling
    August 16, 2015

    Your blog is so pretty! These drinks look AMAZING. So summery and delicious. I am definitely going to keep a look out for this next time I need to bring something cool to a dinner party!

    Aisling | aisybee.

    • City Cookie
      August 23, 2015

      Thank you Aisling! Chambord is so easy to mix with whatever you have at home, it’s great!

  • Heather Chambers
    August 17, 2015

    Oooh this sounds delicious! I’m not a big fan of liquor but this one sounds lovely, I’m so tempted to try it now! 🙂

    Heather Xx

    • City Cookie
      August 23, 2015

      You should try it! It’s not too strong and it’s sweet and fruity so very easy to enjoy 🙂 x

  • Jayde Riley
    September 16, 2015

    thanks for the link you sent me on twitter last night but also thanks for letting me know mine wasn’t working!
    your blog is lovely, I love the variety. Thats what I strive for in my own blog and enjoy reading the most. Especially when you’re talking about travel and delicious drinks!

    Beautiful photos, can’t wait to try the gin suggestion 🙂

    • City Cookie
      September 22, 2015

      Thank you so much for your comment! I sometimes wonder whether I should “find my niche”, like to many bloggers say you should, but I think I would get bored if I did. My favourite bloggers all mix it up a bit from time to time, and that’s what I love!
      Anne-Sophie xx